Athlete Spotlight: Jenni Hartman

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The photo above is from Jenni's most recent Weightlifting meet where she went 4/6 and got 3rd place in the 63kg class!

How were you introduced to Ashleigh/A-Hub Nutrition?

-I saw an Instagram post by Courtney Reese showing her great results and I messaged her to find out who she was working with. I had been gaining weight for months and needed some stability and accountability to get back on track.

How long have you been coached by Ashleigh?

-10 months!

What is your background like? (Hometown, hobbies, sports, etc) 

-I’m from a Chicago suburb. I did competitive gymnastics for 10 years, then studied classical ballet for 6 years and performed throughout college. I struggled with going to the gym for about 5 years until I started CrossFit. I switched to weightlifting exclusively in late 2015.

What was your nutrition like before you started with A-Hub Nutrition?

-I tried Renaissance Periodization but struggled to stick with it due to the rigidity of the program. I quit doing that a few months before starting with Ashleigh and I gained everything I lost back. I was definitely under-eating on RP. My body lost weight but clearly couldn’t keep it off.

What is your style of training and do you compete?

-I train for Olympic weightlifting and compete 3-4 times per year in local and regional meets.

What are some of your goals?

-For 2017, my goals are to snatch 65kg, clean & jerk 80kg, and squat 105kg.

Has your performance in the gym changed at all since tracking macros?

-Yes! I dropped a weight class to 63kg. I have been recovering very well from training and have hit lifetime PRs in my snatch, front squat, and back squat. I try to time my carb intake around training as much as I can, and that gives me a lot of energy for workouts.

What are some changes you've made in your life since tracking macros?

-I stopped drinking alcohol completely as it doesn’t fit in with my training or life goals. I also enjoy holidays a lot more and don’t stress or feel guilt about eating what I want to on those days. I made it through both Thanksgiving and Christmas on a cut, didn’t track either day, and still hit my goal weight well in advance of my last competition.

What's your favorite workout and/or lift?

-I love jerks! My favorite training complex is one clean + 2 jerks.

What's your least favorite workout and/or lift?

-Front squats always feel like death.

What is your favorite food?

-I have two - donuts from Stan’s Donuts in Chicago, and s’mores ice cream from 7-Eleven.

Last but not least, what is one piece of advice you would give to someone wanting to make a lifestyle change and hire a nutrition coach?

-Pick a coach that not only knows what they are doing and has a proven track record of success with clients, but also one that aligns with your personality. After working with Ashleigh for 10 months I consider her a friend as well as my coach. We have similar belief systems and she supports my goals 100%. Finally - TRUST THE PROCESS and progress will happen. Just eat the extra food if it’s in your program. Carbs are not the enemy!

Ashleigh Hubbard